Thomas G. Clark
- Born: Dec 1860, Belfast, N. Ireland or Scotland
- Marriage: Margaret Clarke Clark 1879 or 1881 in Lycoming co, PA
- Died: 3 Apr 1928 at age 67
Cause of his death was pnuemonia.
General Notes:
Moved to Glasgow, Scotland because of a potato famine or uprising. Msgr. Clark believed the Clark family were shop keepers.
Many Irish emigrated during the famine years of 1845 to 1850 to England, Scotland, the United States, Canada, and Australia.
thomas bernard says father from Scotland and speaks Scottish as mother tongue
in 1910 census, even though he says he's from Scotland, he writes in that he is Irish from Ireland
According to a 1900 census he immigrated in 1872 (a 1910 census says 1874) lived in Williamsport. It says that he was born in Scotland, and his parents were born in Ireland. He has 28 years as a citizen and he is naturalized. He's working as a day laborer. He can read, write and speak english, and rents their home.
I found an 1880 census saying that he is living with his sister, Mary. He says he is born in Scotland, but parents born in Ireland, matching his life story. His job is working on the railroad. He married Margaret only one year after this census. He was only 12 when he immigrated here, and I can find no record of his immigration or his parents.
he had pneumonia died
Thomas married Margaret Clarke Clark, daughter of Francis Clark and Esther Clarke, 1879 or 1881 in Lycoming co, PA. (Margaret Clarke Clark was born in Jan 1861 in Northumberland, PA and died in 1931.)