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Charles Mitchell
Mary "Polly" Garth Mitchell
Colonel David Dawson Mitchell
Unknown Sauk & Fox Woman
Amelia Mitchell


Family Links

Moses Keokuk

Amelia Mitchell

  • Marriage: Moses Keokuk

bullet  General Notes:

Half sister to Mary Mitchell

Full text of "Early days in Kansas. In Keokuks time on the Kansas reservation"

Amelia Mitchell and Mary Mitchell Means were both half
bloods by the same father, a Mr. Mitchell, an army officer and then
American Fur Trader back in the '20s among the Foxes and Win-
nebagos in Wisconsin, and who had diff'erent mothers, thus, as
the Indians count genealogy, being cousins. I have been told
that this Major Mitchell at the latter end of his life entrusted
one of the Agents one thousand dollars apiece to each of the girls
and that the trust was faithfully carried out by the Agent's clerk,
J. M. Luce, about 1860-62, my informant.


Amelia married Moses Keokuk.

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