Louis T. Hill II
- Born: Abt Jan 1870, South Dakota
- Marriage: Mary Isnawin (Long Knife) Gorman Hill in 1890
General Notes:
# ID: I25491 # Name: Louis T Hill # Given Name: Louis T # Surname: Hill # Suffix: II 1 2 # Sex: M # Birth: Abt 1873 in South Dakota # Death: Y # Occupation: farmer Apr 1910 McKinley Township, Marshall County, South Dakota # _UID: 0477C3CD2F3F4547AD08AB5AED900D80C9C8 # Change Date: 26 May 2007 at 15:54 # Note:
Louis T. Hill 11 homesteaded on his U.S. Government allotme nt in Marshall County, McKinley Township (Hill Lake) beginn ing ca. 1890. He was the son of an Army man, Louis T. Hill , stationed at Fort Sisseton (Fort Wadsworth) with the U.S . Cavalry, and a Sisseton Sioux woman, Mary Heyoka. When th e cavalry was moved Louis T. Hill left Mary Heyoka with tw o sons, Albert, born 1868, and Louis T., born 1870. Louis T. Hill II, a member of the Sisseton-Wahpeton Sioux T ribe, married Mary Gorman, "Isnawin" (meaning "Long Knife " a term applied to American soldiers by Indians of this p art of the country, because she was the daughter of Jame s Gorman, U.S. Army of Fort Snelling and Fort Ridgely, an d a Sisseton-Wahpeton Sioux woman named "Sinte". Mary Gorma n's land allotment adjoined Louis' allotment. Louis farme d in McKinley Township both his and his wife's allotment f rom 1890 to about 1925. Before 1900 Louis served for thre e years as a Catechist for the Presbyterian Board of India n Missions among Sioux Indian people in Poplar, Montana. Ea ch summer for a month he would return to Marshall County o n his vacation to visit his relatives, traveling back and f orth in a covered wagon. The church, school and living quar ters which were used are still standing but are no longer i n use. The Sioux Catechism (Bible) is a family treasure. Louis and Mary raised a family of six boys and one girl: Lu cas, Ella Hill Wanna, James (Jim), Silas, Alexander, Elizha , and Zachary. Lucas married Eliza Plume also of the Sisseton-Wahpeton Sio ux Tribe in 1914 and farmed in LaBelle Township land whic h Eliza inherited from 1918 until his death in 1938. Luca s and Eliza raised a family of four boys and three girls: S olon Matthew, Benedict (Ben), Sampson, Solomon, Hazel, Marg aret and Genevieve. Lucas was well known for his athletic ( running) ability, winning many foot races in 4th of July an d county fair celebrations in Marshall County and surround ing area. Alex Hill, son of Louis T. Hill, Jr., served in World War I I. Alex's sons, Sylvester and Raymond, also served in Worl d War II. Lucas Hill's sons, Solon M. Hill, Benjamin Hill and Sam Hil l, also served in World War II and one son, Solomon Hill se rved in the Korean conflict. Solon Hill's son, John S. Hill, served during the Viet Na m War. By: Solon Hill
Louis lived in Marshall SD in the 1930 census and was 55 years old.
Confused, found a SD 1915 census record saying his wife's maiden name was Martha Heyoka - that was his mother's maiden name, although records say Mary Heyoka. Martha and Mary were variances of the same name. Says he is a dutch indian, so Louis T. Hill, his father was Dutch.
Louis married Mary Isnawin (Long Knife) Gorman Hill, daughter of Living and Living, in 1890. (Mary Isnawin (Long Knife) Gorman Hill was born about Dec 1862 in Minnesota.)