William Moseley
- Born: 1692, Henrico Co. VA
- Marriage: Frances Mayo
General Notes:
From Rootsweb.com Warren Forsythe
Mss. notes of W. G. Stanard, Archives, VA State Library; Notes for William Moseley b. in VA ca. 1692: John Hale Stutesman, his 13 notebooks , ms. Acc. No. 1150-1162, Chesterfield Historical Society, Chesterfield, Va.; also some Moseleys in John Hale Stutesman's "Some Watkins Families of Virginia and Their Kin (Baltimore: Gateway Pub, 1989)" is available on LDS microfilm-- it has good Henrico Moseleys LDS FHC #1421997 item 8. Wm was apparently tobacco inspector at Bermuda Hundred at the eastern port on the James River, but had origins a few miles westward about halfway from Richmond to Petersburg just west of I-95. 22 May 1739 page 244 deed book 3 Goochland Co has a different Elizabeth and W Moseley who are of Essex Co. VA: see Appendix Moseleys. a Goochland Co. VA will Ligon book on LDS FHC microfilm 1016922 items 3 and 4 page 567-578; FHL salt lake film #0001043 says"ofPetersburgVA" 0001043 lists additional kids but they are likely the children of his deceased son wm jr (in wm sr will so we omit compiling them since no further evidence here nor elsewhere. LAND PATENTS: va pat bk 15: 172 in 1733, partly reissue of 1727 one, Wm Moseley Henrico co [very close to SE corner of present powhatan co] adj own land aqnd Fra Eppes onAppomattox River at mouth of skinquarter creek. va pat bk 15: 356 in 1734, partly re-issue of 1731, wm moseley Appomattox Cr adj fra Eppes and robt hancock. WARNING: FOLLOWING PATENTS MAY APPLY TO HIS BROTHER arthur's son WILLIAM MOSELY va pat bk 22: 233 [maybe p.133] in 1744/5 a Moseley adj Aaron Haskins patent and benj cheatham etc on Beaver pond br in Henrico Co. va pat bk 25: 253 of 1746 wm moseley adj to Thois moore patent on middle cr in henrico co. va pat bk 25: 253 of 1746/7 moseley an adj owner to john carmell patent on skinquarter rd in henrico co also adj peter ligon. va pat bk 27: 516 of 1749 aq Mosley adjacent to Samuel butlers 270 ac Henrico Co adj JJ Flournoy and Roberts on br of Horsepen Branch. va pat bk 28: 6 1746/7 a Mosley adj Perrin Giles patent and wm Giles and Flournoy in Henrico co [maybe nr tomahawk creek?].
William married Frances Mayo. (Frances Mayo was born in 1698 in Chesterfield, VA.)